The Mounjaro dosing schedule and titration calendar


Considering Mounjaro (tirzepatide) to support your weight loss journey? You might be wondering about the suitable dosage, given that Mounjaro pens are available in six different strengths.

Determining the right one for you and understanding the concept of titration can seem daunting, but we're here to simplify it in this guide all about Mounjaro’s dosing schedule and titration calendar.

Titration explained

Titration, a method of gradually increasing your medication strength, is important for finding the right balance between effectiveness and minimising side effects. Starting with a low dose helps reduce the chances of side effects.

With Mounjaro, your healthcare provider will slowly raise your dose every four weeks, allowing your body to adjust. This step-by-step approach ensures effective treatment without causing unwanted symptoms.

Regular communication with your prescriber is crucial to find the right dose. While it might seem like titration slows down the process, it's a necessary way to keep your treatment controlled, sustainable and safe.



The Mounjaro titration path

Mounjaro is available in various doses: 2.5mg, 5mg, 7.5mg, 10mg, 12.5mg and 15mg. Your Mounjaro starting dose will begin with a 2.5mg injection once a week for the first month.

After this initial period, you may switch to a 5mg injection once a week. If necessary, your prescriber may decide to increase your dosage by 2.5mg every four weeks.

This gradual adjustment can bring your dosage up to 7.5mg once a week, then to 10mg, 12.5mg, and a maximum of 15mg. It’s important to note that not everyone will need the higher doses for Mounjaro to be effective.

Dosage calendar

To make it even easier for you, we’ve compiled Mounjaro’s treatment timeline for you in image-format. Take a screenshot, save the image or keep it in your mind for the next time you think you might be ready to increase your dosage.

Mounjaro Treatment Timeline

When your dosage will increase

Everyone who uses Mounjaro will start on the lowest dose of 2.5mg; this will then increase to 5mg after four weeks.

This will then increase by a further 2.5mg every month if both you and your prescriber are happy, taking into consideration how effective your current dose is and if you’re experiencing any side effects.

For example, if you’re experiencing minimal side effects and you’re still having food cravings or you haven’t lost enough weight, this is when your prescriber will consider increasing your dose.

Sometimes, other factors may impact how often your dose increases, such as your age and if you have any health conditions.

Do I have to stick to a strict four week increase plan?

Yes, your Mounjaro dose can only be increased every four weeks. You might think that jumping straight in at the highest dose will result in quicker weight loss, but this isn’t the case.

Your body will likely be unable to tolerate a high dose right away, resulting in potential side effects, which could make you want to stop treatment altogether.

Slowly increasing your dose every month gives your body enough time to adjust to this increase, making your treatment more manageable and effective.

Why can’t I start on the highest dose of Mounjaro?

Starting Mounjaro at its highest dose is not recommended because your body needs time to adjust to the medication properly. Begin with the lowest dose to understand how the treatment affects you, including changes in appetite and potential side effects.

Gradually increasing the dose allows you to assess whether you can achieve desired results with a lower dose, avoiding the need for the highest dose.

Starting with the highest possible dose of tirzepatide from the beginning may result in worse side effects, as your body is not accustomed to the treatment. Moreover, it does not guarantee more significant long-term weight loss.

Always follow your prescriber’s dosing instructions. They can evaluate your results, address any side effects, and adjust your treatment for the best possible outcome.

Side effects while following your titration plan

Like all medications, Mounjaro may have side effects in some individuals, although not everyone will have them.

If you have concerns about potential side effects, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider for guidance. Common side effects of Mounjaro may include:

Certain side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea, are more likely during the initial increase of your Mounjaro dose. Fortunately, these effects typically diminish over time as your body adjusts to the medication.

Settling on your long-term dose

The most common maintenance doses for Mounjaro[1] range from 5mg, 10mg and 15mg. This is the dose you’ll likely remain on to maintain your weight loss.

Finding what dose you should settle on for the long-term can depend on how much weight you’ve lost, how much your appetite is suppressed and if you’re experiencing any side effects. Your prescriber will work with you to decide on your long-term Mounjaro dosage.

Will every patient need the same sustaining dose?

No, not every patient will need the same sustaining dose of Mounjaro. As everyone's weight loss journey is different, so is the dose you stay on for the long-term.

It’s recommended that you stay on either a 5mg, 10mg or 15mg sustaining dose, and it can all depend on how well you tolerate the medicine and how much weight you’ve lost, for example.

The higher the dose, the more expensive the pen, so this may be a factor to consider for some people, too.

Do I need a different Mounjaro pen for different doses?

Mounjaro comes in a disposable, multi-dose, single-patient-use, pre-filled pen. 1 pen contains enough for 4 doses, 1 dose taken weekly. This means that you will need 1 pen per month.

Then, once you have used your monthly supply, you will, if both you and your prescriber are happy, order 1 more pen at a higher dose.

Is the titration path for type 2 diabetes patients different from that of weight loss patients?

Mounjaro has the same titration path, no matter if it’s used to treat type 2 diabetes or to manage obesity. This is because your body still has to adjust to the medicine over a gradual period of time to reduce the risk of you experiencing side effects.

Do I need to switch injection sites with each dose?

Each time you inject Mounjaro, you must use a different injection site. Where you inject Mounjaro matters for how well your body absorbs it. Different parts of your body absorb medication at different rates due to variations in blood flow and fat content.

To avoid lumps or changes in the skin at the injection site, make sure to switch injection spots. This helps ensure the medication is consistently absorbed. The recommended injection sites include: the abdomen, upper arms and thighs.

You can use the same body part to inject (for example, you can inject more than once in the upper arm area), but make sure it isn’t in exactly the same spot as your previous injection. The most ideal spots are areas with a significant amount of fat.

Avoid injecting into very muscular areas or places with prominent veins. If you’re injecting into the abdomen, be sure to avoid the navel area.

Making sure you have the right pen for your dosage

Before you order your pen, make sure you are choosing the correct dosage as advised by your prescriber. If you order your Mounjaro pen in advance for the following month, ensure that you are still using the lower dose until it runs out.

Using a lower dose of Mounjaro when you’ve already used a higher dose may delay your weight loss progress; the same can be said for using a higher dose when your body isn’t quite ready, as you may have unwanted side effects.

Always listen to your prescribers advice when it comes to using the right pen for your current Mounjaro dosage. If you’re unsure about what dose you should be taking, always speak to your prescriber for advice before you use your pen.

Stepping on scales

We hope you’re now well-informed about Mounjaro’s dosing schedule and titration calendar, but it’s still important if you encounter any challenges, that you reach out to your prescriber, doctor, or pharmacist for guidance.

They can provide assistance, ensure your weight-loss treatment is effective, and assist you in achieving your desired results. Want to learn more about Mounjaro? Read our in-depth guide for everything you need to know.

If you're ready to begin your weight loss journey today, explore our selection of weight management treatments and complete a brief consultation today.

Our experienced prescribers will review your responses to determine the most suitable medication for you. Once you’re both satisfied, we'll discreetly deliver your treatment right to your doorstep.

It’s that simple!

Alexandra Moses - Medical Content Writer
James O'Loan - CEO & Superintendent Pharmacist
James O'Loan , CEO & Superintendent Pharmacist on 14 February 2024
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