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Buy Yasmin contraceptive pills online

The Yasmin contraceptive pill is a hormonal contraceptive which can be extremely effective at preventing pregnancy. Take one pill at the same time every day and you’ll benefit from protection that’s up to 99% effective when you need it and easily reversible when you don’t. This pill can also be used to help you manage heavy or painful periods and ease symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) or endometriosis. 


How the combined pill works

The Yasmin contraceptive pill is a type of contraceptive known as a combined pill, which means it uses two hormones to help prevent you becoming pregnant. The two active ingredients in Yasmin are Ethinylestradiol and Drospirenone and they work together to prevent your ovaries from releasing an egg. They also help to thicken the mucus in the neck of your womb, making it more difficult for any sperm to make its way into the womb and fertilise an egg. Finally, they thin the lining of your womb, so if a particularly determined sperm manages to fertilise an egg, the egg will be less likely to implant into the womb and grow. With all of these preventative measures working together, the combined pill has been shown to provide extremely effective contraception.



Yasmine pills come in strips of 21, which are each marked with a day of the week. You should take one pill a day, at the same time every day, using the days marked on the pack to help you keep track. At the end of your 21 days you will go for 7 days without taking the pill (your 7 pill-free days), before starting a new strip of 21 pills. Within your pill-free days your body will have a withdrawal bleed, which is similar to a period. This period may not end before your 7 days are up, but you should start to take your pill from the new pack on time. You won’t need to use any extra contraception during your pill-free days, as the ones you’ve taken already will leave you covered if you’ve taken them correctly.


When to start taking the pill

When using Yasmine contraceptive pills for the first time, you should wait until the first day of your period to start taking these pills. If you start taking these pills on the first day of your period then you’ll be protected against pregnancy right away. Until your period starts you should use other contraceptive methods, such as the male or female condom, to make sure you’re protected until you start taking the pill.


What to do if you miss a pill

If you forget to take your Yasmine pill then don’t worry! If you’re less than 12 hours late then you should take your pill as soon as possible. As long as you take your pill within this 12 hour window your protection from pregnancy won’t be reduced. If you’re more than 12 hours late or forget to take more than one tablet then your protection against pregnancy might be reduced and there will be some extra precautions you’ll have to take:

  • More than one tablet forgotten: Contact your doctor

  • One tablet forgotten between days 1 - 7: Take your forgotten tablet as soon as you remember, even if this means taking 2 tablets at the same time. Continue taking the rest of the strip as usual and use extra protection when you have sex during the next 7 days.

  • One tablet forgotten between days 8 - 14: Take your forgotten tablet as soon as you remember, even if this means taking 2 tablets at the same time. Continue taking the rest of the strip as usual. Your protection will not be reduced unless you forget another pill.

  • One tablet forgotten between days 15 - 21: If you like, you can stop taking your pills completely and go into your 7 day pill-free period, making sure to start your new strip within 7 days. If not, you can take your forgotten tablet as soon as you remember, even if this means taking 2 tablets at the same time. Take the rest of the strip you’re using and then continue with your next strip without taking a 7 day pill-free period. You will usually bleed at the end of your second strip but may experience light bleeding or spotting before then. If you follow either of these choices you will be protected from pregnancy.

If you forgot any of your tablets within a strip and do not bleed during your next 7 day pill-free period, you may be pregnant. Contact your doctor straight away and ask their advice.


Side effects

Like all medications, the Yasmin pill can have side effects, although not everyone will experience them. The most common side effects of this medication include:

  • Feeling depressed

  • Headaches or migraines

  • Feeling sick

  • Breast pain or tenderness, problems with your periods, bleeding between periods, thick whitish vaginal discharge, thrush

  • Breast enlargement

  • A change to your sex drive or libido

  • High or low blood pressure

  • Being sick or diarrhoea

  • Acne, severe itching, skin rash, hair loss

  • Vaginal infections

  • Fluid retention

  • Changes to your body weight

For a complete list of potential side effects of this medication, please see the patient information leaflet included with your treatment. If you experience these or any other side effects while using this product, speak to your doctor or pharmacist. For more information about reporting about the side effects of medication, please see the MHRA’s Yellow Card Scheme.


Serious side effects

If you experience any of the following severe side effects you should seek immediate medical assistance:

  • Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, e.g. difficulty breathing or swallowing, a rash or hives, swelling of the face, eyelids, tongue, mouth, or throat

  • Signs of breast cancer, e.g. dimpling of the skin, changes to your nipple, any lumps you can see or feel

  • Signs of cervix cancer, e.g. Vaginal discharge which smells and may contain blood, unusual vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, pain during sex

  • Symptoms of severe liver problems, e.g. pain in your upper abdomen, yellowing of the eyes or skin (jaundice), liver inflammation (hepatitis), itching throughout your whole body


Blood clots

Taking the combined pill can increase the risk of blood clots in all women. The actual risk to you will depend on your own health and whether you are generally more at risk of blood clotting. If you have any of the following conditions then you may be more at risk of blood clots in your veins and arteries, so you should tell your doctor about this during your first consultation:

  • You are overweight (BMI of 30 or above)

  • One of your immediate family have had a blood clot in your leg, lunch, or other organ at a young age (under 50)

  • You need to have an operation or will be off your feet for a long time because of an injury or illness, for example, having your leg in a cast

  • You are older than 35

  • You gave birth within the last few weeks

  • You will be going on a long plane journey (4 hours or more)

  • You smoke

  • You have high blood pressure

  • One of your immediate family have had a stroke or heart attack at a young age (under 50)

  • You or one of your immediate family have a high level of fat in your blood (cholesterol or triglycerides

  • You get migraines

  • You have heart problems

  • You have diabetes



The Yasmin pill is not suitable for use in females whose periods have not yet started or women who have gone through the menopause. This product is only for use in those who are were assigned female at birth (people who menstruate) and should not be used in those who were assigned male. Do not use this product if you are allergic to ethinylestradiol, drospirenone, or any of the other listed ingredients. Do not use this product if you have:

  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolus (PE), or blood clots in any of your other organs

  • A disorder which affects blood clotting, e.g. protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency, antithrombin-III deficiency, Factor V Leiden, antiphospholipid antibodies

  • Need an operation or are going to be off your feet for a long time for any reason

  • Ever had a heart attack or stroke

  • Ever had angina pectoris, which causes severe chest pain, or TIA, which causes temporary stroke symptoms

  • Have any diseases which may increase your risk of blood clots in your arteries, e.g. severe diabetes with blood vessel damage, very high blood pressure, a very high level of fat in the blood, hyperhomocysteinemia

  • Ever had a migraine with an aura

  • Ever had liver disease and your liver function is still nor normal

  • Kidney failure

  • Ever had a tumour in your liver

  • Ever had or have been suspected to have cancer in your breasts or genital organs

  • Any unexplained bleeding from your vagina

  • Hepatitis C and are taking medication containing ombitasvir, paritaprevir, ritonavir or dasabuvir

Tell your doctor during your consultation for the Yasmin pill if you have:

  • Breast cancer, or if a close relative has breast cancer

  • Liver or gallbladder disease

  • Diabetes

  • Depression

  • Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis

  • HUS (haemolytic uraemic syndrome), a blood clotting disorder which causes kidney failure

  • Sickle cell anaemia

  • Elevated levels of fat in your blood, or if this runs in your family

  • Need an operation or will be off your feet for a long period of time for any reason

  • Just given birth

  • Inflammation of veins under your skin (superficial thrombophlebitis)

  • Varicose veins

  • Epilepsy

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

  • Any disease which first appeared during pregnancy or while using sex hormones, e.g. hearing loss, jaundice, itching of the whole body, porphyria, skin rash with blisters during pregnancy, nerve disease causing sudden movements of the body

  • Discolouration of the skin, especially on the face or neck, also known as pregnancy patches

  • Hereditary angioedema, which causes attacks of severe swelling, hives, and difficulty breathing

  • Have an intolerance to some sugars, as this product contains lactose



You usually shouldn’t take Yasmin birth control while you’re breastfeeding. If you’re having sex and want to avoid pregnancy we’d recommend using a barrier method (such as a condom) or another method of contraception until you can start to take the pill again. Your doctor, local sexual health clinic, or healthcare team can help you to find a method of contraception that’s right for you during this time.


Other medication

If you’re taking any other medication, including herbal remedies or medicines you obtained without a prescription, you should tell your doctor about them during your consultation. Some medications cannot be used together and this will affect your doctor’s decision when they’re choosing the right treatment for you. This especially applies if you are already taking:

  • Epilepsy medications, e.g. primidone, phenytoin, barbiturates, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine

  • Medicines for tuberculosis, e.g. rifampicin

  • Medications for HIV or Hepatitis C, e.g. ritonavir, nevirapine, efavirenz

  • Ketoconazole or griseofulvin, which are used for fungal infections

  • Etoricoxib, which is used for arthritis or arthrosis

  • Bosentan, which is used for high blood pressure in the lungs

  • St. John’s wort, a herbal remedy

  • Medicines containing ciclosporin

  • Lamotrigine, an anti-epileptic medicine

  • Theophylline, which is used for breathing problems

  • Tizanidine, which is used for muscular pain or muscular cramps


Important information

This product is a medicine; make sure to speak to your doctor or Chemist4U pharmacist before taking this product if you have an underlying medical problem or are taking any other medicine or complementary therapy. If your symptoms get worse or continue after taking this product, contact us or your doctor. For medical services in your area, please refer to https://www.nhs.uk

If you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, speak to your doctor or our pharmacist before taking this product. If you suffer from any allergies, ask your doctor or our pharmacist if this medicine is right for you.

Store all medicines out of sight and reach of children.

Please read the included leaflet carefully before using this product.

Please contact your GP if appropriate regarding this product.



Store in a cool, dry place which is below 25 degrees C. Do not use this product if the expiry date printed on the original packaging has passed. Keep out of sight and reach of children.

Yasmin Reviews

By Zea Maez Estrellado,
May 24, 2022
The instructions were clear. It was immediately dispatched.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the Yasmin pill for PCOS?

The Yasmin birth control pill is not a treatment for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), but some hormonal contraceptives can help you to manage the irregular periods that are a symptom of this condition.

If you have PCOS and think hormonal contraception could be the thing you need to help manage your periods, you should speak to your doctor or pharmacist.

They’ll be able to discuss the pros and cons of different treatments and contraception choices with you and prescribe a treatment that could help you.

Do I need a prescription for this medication?

You do need a prescription for this medication in the UK.

Our healthcare professionals can provide prescriptions if they think this treatment would be right for you and your condition.

When you click the button which reads “Start Consultation” at the top of this page, you’ll see a short questionnaire set up by our healthcare team which is designed to help them understand your medical needs.

Just like an in-person consultation with your GP, our doctors will assess your answers to their questions and write a prescription for the treatment they think will be best for you.

You’ll then be able to pay for your medication and we’ll send it out to you quickly and in discreet packaging.

Can I use Yasmin to delay my period?

Although this is not recommended, you can use the Yasmin contraceptive pill to delay your period.

You would do this by skipping your 7 day pill-free period and continuing on to your next strip of pills right away.

However, this may not be right for you and you should speak to your doctor before trying it for yourself.

How effective is the Yasmin pill?

Combined contraceptive pills like Yasmin are over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy if you take them correctly.

You need to take the pill at the same time every day for 21 days, then you’ll usually take a 7-day break before starting a new strip of pills.

Do this correctly and you’ll be protected from pregnancy even during your 7 pill-free days.

Will I lose or gain weight while taking the Yasmin pill?

Changes to your body weight are a known side effect of Yasmin, although it is uncommon.

It’s estimated that 1 - 10 people in every 10,000 who use this contraceptive pill will be affected by body weight changes.

If you’re concerned by any weight loss or weight gain you experience while taking any form of hormonal contraception we’d recommend asking your doctor or practice nurse for advice.

What are the benefits of using the contraceptive pill?

The most obvious benefit of using the contraceptive pill is the very effective protection from pregnancy.

If you take the pills correctly your protection will be up to 99% effective and you’ll only have to take one pill a day, making this method convenient as well as effective.

Another benefit is how quick and easy it is to reverse the effects of this pill if you decide that you do want to get pregnant. You can simply stop taking Yasmin at any time and wait for your next period before trying to get pregnant.

However, we’d recommend speaking to your doctor before you stop taking this product or any other medication, just to be sure that you’re doing so safely.

Another benefit of taking birth control pills is that they can regulate irregular periods, help to reduce heavy periods, and can help to ease symptoms of PMS, such as painful cramps.

If you suffer from endometriosis, you may also find that the combined pill can help to ease your condition, although this should only be done under the supervision of your doctor.

Can the pill be used to treat acne?

Combined contraceptive pills are not specific treatments for acne.

However, some doctors will prescribe a combined contraceptive pill to women who suffer from hormonal acne, as there does seem to be a beneficial effect.

This is only the case with combined contraceptive pills, not progestogen-only mini-pills.

It can take around 2-3 months of taking the pill before you may notice any effect on your acne.

Can I use the contraceptive pill if I’m transgender?

There are many reasons why transgender people may need to use a contraceptive pill, whether this is for birth control or for one of the other benefits that hormonal contraception may offer.

For example, transgender people who have periods may need to use the pill to manage heavy or irregular periods.

However, it is important to be aware that people who were assigned male at birth and therefore can not menstruate should not take this medication.

If you are a transgender person and are unsure whether you should use the contraceptive pill, we’d recommend speaking to your doctor, transgender specialist, or healthcare team.

They’ll be able to take your specific circumstances into account and prescribe hormonal contraception if it’s the right treatment for you.

Does the contraceptive pill cause mood swings?

Some people who take the contraceptive pill and other hormonal contraceptives find that they experience mood changes, especially depressive symptoms.

If you suffer from depression you should tell your doctor about this during your initial consultation so they will be able to help you make the best possible decision about your contraceptive needs.

If you are taking the pill and find that you start to experience depression, especially serious depressive symptoms such as suicidal thoughts, you should speak to your doctor and ask for their advice.

Hormonal contraceptives may not be right for you and your doctor will be able to discuss other options with you.

Can the pill increase the risk of breast cancer?

Breast cancer has been found slightly more often in women who take a contraceptive pill compared to women who don’t.

Once you stop taking the pill, the risk gradually decreases and 10 years after stopping the pill the risk will be the same as someone who has never taken a contraceptive pill.

Breast cancer is still rare for anyone under the age of 40, even in women who take the pill.

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